Arkansas Phantom Quartz


In the US, quartz is primarily found in the Ouachita Mountains of southern Oklahoma and Arkansas, which are composed mostly of folded, Ordovician-aged sedimentary rocks.

The Ouachita Mountains formed during the collision of Gondwana and Laurasia in the Late Mississippian to Early Permian. During this mountain-building event, the rocks were folded.

Phantom quartz displays some of the past growth histories of a given crystal and is due to mineral matter deposition on crystal faces or a change in growth conditions (interruption or stoppage).

Phantoms are relatively common in smoky or amethyst quartz crystals worldwide.


The “phantom” effect can be caused by such minerals as chlorite, hematite, clay, or even heat and can vary in color from green, milky white, shades of orange, red, purple or brown.

Due to an abundance of quartz in the state, and because of its popularity among tourists, the Arkansas General Assembly of 1976 established Act 128 designating quartz crystal as the official State Mineral.

Crystals showing a sharp transition between two different colors or levels of opacity can produce the effect of a “phantom” crystal suspended within a crystal; this can be found in quartz crystals containing an earlier generation of ‘milky’ quartz or amethystine quartz within, preserving the shape of the crystal at that point in its growth.


Phantom crystals can help us move past blockages, where we feel we may have become “stuck.”

Can help to release old patterns, behaviors, and thoughts that no longer serve you and can assist you in connecting with your higher self and accessing your own inner wisdom.

This type of quartz can symbolize universal awareness and can guide you toward your personal growth and spiritual evolution.


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